Planning a family trip with kids in a camper? Follow the handy tips here to plan a kid-friendly expedition that your children will love as much as you will. Without appropriate preparation, RVing with kids can be stressful. Create lasting memories and keep the stress out of your up-coming trip with these simple tips.

Howdy RV is your local RV dealership in Mathis, Texas, that you can visit to upgrade your rig or get it serviced before the trip. We also serve customers looking for RVs for sale in San Antonio and Corpus Christi.

Customize the RV for a Comfortable Sojourn

Start your preparations by personalizing your RV for the trip. Make comfortable sleeping arrangements (cozy beds, blankets, etc.) and check if the in-camper temperature is comfortable enough. Also check the lighting – dim lights help kids sleep soundly.

When shopping to refill the essentials, pick up a variety of snacks to carry along, such as granola bars, fruit juices, sandwiches fixings, and bottled water. Pack a few of your kids’ favorite toys to provide them comfort, as well as active toys like balls and jump ropes to keep them engaged outdoors.

Plan for a Safe Trip 

Safety comes first, more so while traveling. If you’re in a towable RV, ensure that you’ve secured every child in the car with a seat belt. Arrange for an additional vehicle if the seats aren’t enough for everyone onboard. Keep all items in the RV properly harnessed to avoid damage during travel. If you are traveling in a motorhome, refrain from moving around while the vehicle is moving. Kids imitate elders and they may pick up this risky habit from you unknowingly.

Also, keep a well-stocked first-aid kit handy.

Take Along Entertainment Options

To keep kids engaged, pack a few entertainment options, such as movies, comics, drawing pads and crayons, and books. You can also give them blank journals to fill with their experiences. The more you’re able to engage them, the more fun the RV ride will seem.

Include some learning on the trip. Encourage the kids to find out about the places you have passed through, the historical and natural attractions, museums, and art galleries. You can let them take pictures and maintain a scrapbook as a memento from the trip.

Know Their Limits

Adults can travel for long miles without taking breaks. However, with kids you may need to stop a few times before you’ve reached the destination. Having snacks aboard your RV helps to keep them well-fed. But be prepared for a few stops just to rejuvenate their spirits. Cranky kids can become unmanageable – know your child’s limits and plan accordingly.

Maintain a routine that your kids are familiar with. Plan your mealtimes and bedtimes as per their regular schedule.

With the right plan, you and your family are sure to have an unforgettable trip. If you’re still looking for a camper, visit our Mathis, Texas, showroom to see and pick from our collection of new and used RVs for sale. We also serve customers from San Antonio and Corpus Christi.