Maintenance Tips For Your Cargo Trailer

Feb. 24 2020 Miscellaneous By ___

There are many times when you depend on your cargo trailer to make your work (and life) easier. To ensure that it will keep having your back, you need to take care of it by performing some regular maintenance steps. To help you out with that, we at Howdy RV have compiled this short guide on maintaining your trailer. To get your trailer professionally cared for by experts, visit our dealership in Mathis, Texas. If you’re looking for trailers for sale in Corpus Christi or San Antonio, get in touch with our sales department today!

To Begin With

A lot of the information you’re going to read applies to most cargo trailers you’ll find on the market. However, you shouldn’t do any maintenance work on your model without reading its owner manual. In the manual, you should find any specific steps you have to take for your model. This will likely include recommended products, maintenance schedules and other information that’s applicable to your particular cargo trailer. 


The tires on your cargo trailer are a hardworking part of the whole and should be high on your list of priorities. In fact, it’s considered wise to inspect them before every trip. Look for any signs of damage or improper tire pressure.  You can also use a tire pressure gauge to measure the exact psi levels and adjust as needed, according to your owner’s manual recommendations. Of course, at some point, you’ll probably just need to replace a damaged tire or a tread that’s close to balding.


No matter what your deck is made of, you should try to always keep it clean. However, depending on the building materials and how often you use it, you might want to take extra precautions against what the elements can do to your trailer. For example, a wooden deck might need to be stained every so often to keep it protected, while some metal decks will need to be tended to if you notice oxidation. Inspecting them frequently can be a big help in preventing serious problems.

Before Trip Inspection

If you take a little time before each trip to ensure that everything is functioning properly, you’ll increase safety for yourself, any commuters and cargo. Ensure that brakes and lights are operating the way they should. The breakaway switch and battery also need to be in good working condition, as do the lugnuts.

When loading the cargo, make sure the weight is distributed as evenly as possible. If the weight isn’t level, your cargo trailer will be more difficult to tow. Even a model in pristine condition can buckle under poor weight distribution, so always double check this. For additional security, we recommend installing a weight distribution trailer hitch, which will automatically level out your trailer so you don’t have to try and eyeball the entire process. An overall inspection can’t hurt, and once you get the hang of it, it won’t take long either.

Regular Servicing

As with any other vehicle you own, taking your cargo trailer in for professional care every once in a while helps nip big problems in the bud and keeps your trailer in good shape overall. A trained technician can more thoroughly care for all parts of your trailer, so you should do this at least once a year (more if you use your cargo trailer often enough). Remember that this isn’t just a safety issue—poor performance can also affect longevity and efficiency, so definitely don’t put this off.

We hope these tips help your cargo trailer last longer! When you need an expert’s help, come on down to Howdy RV and talk to our trained staff. If you’re looking for cargo trailers for sale in Mathis, Texas, come on down to our dealership today! We also welcome all our friends from Corpus Christi and San Antonio!